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Release Notes
New Features
Introduced KES (Klaytn Endpoint System) (#707, #709)
Supported shared database and cache
KES Fetcher node processes blocks and KES Service node serves APIs with the shared database/cache without its processing
Added debug.startCollectingTrieStats API which shows a stat of state trie (#740)
Added debug.getModifiedStorageNodesByNumber API which returns modified trie nodes from the contract sotrage (#742)
Added logs to show block processing summary (#747)
Added unigram/bigram/trigram tracers and fixed an error in 4-byte tracer (#752)
Supported ABIEncoderV2 to pack dynamic array and slice type (#753)
Supported ABI to unpack tuple type and bytesN arrays (#807, #792, #786)
Introduced state.trie-cache-save-period option for periodical saving fast cache to filesystem (#828)
Added debug.StartContractWarmUp(common.Address) API to warm up contract storage trie node (#831)
Introduced state prefetcher which executes future blocks and future transactions against current state for pre-loading state trie cache (#832, #860)
Split chain data to send Kafka messages by chain data fetcher (#708, #712)
Changed metrics.Meter to metrics.Timer (#817)
Updated default docker image ID (#824)
Increased FD limit to the maximum value of the process (#827)
Fixed the path for saving trie node cache (#751)
Disabled seek compaction for LevelDB (#715)
Performed code refactoring (#730, #733, #735)
Updated golang to 1.15.7 version (#875, #871)
Last updated