
The caver.kct.kip7 helps you easily handle a smart contract that implements KIP-7 as a JavaScript object on the Klaytn blockchain platform (Klaytn).

The caver.kct.kip7 inherits caver.contract to implement the KIP-7 token contract. The caver.kct.kip7 holds the same properties of caver.contract whereas additional methods to implement extra features. This section only introduces the newly added bound methods of the caver.kct.kip7.

The abi and bytecode used in the caver.kct.kip7 were implemented using the example of openzeppelin.

The code that implements KIP-7 for caver-js is available on the Klaytn Contracts Github Repo.

For more information about KIP-7, see Klaytn Improvement Proposals.


caver.kct.kip7.deploy(tokenInfo, deployer)

Deploys the KIP-7 token contract to the Klaytn blockchain. A contract deployed using caver.kct.kip7.deploy is a fungible token that follows the KIP-7 standard.

After successful deployment, the promise will be resolved with a new KIP7 instance.


The tokenInfo object must contain the following:

NOTE The initialSupply parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

Return Value

PromiEvent: A promise combined event emitter, which is resolved with a new KIP7 instance. Additionally, the following events can occur:


// using the promise
> caver.kct.kip7.deploy({
    name: 'Jasmine',
    symbol: 'JAS',
    decimals: 18,
    initialSupply: '100000000000000000000',
}, '0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)
KIP7 {
    _address: '0x598367e443D8a2b644Fec69a2C12aF44BC283f23',
    _jsonInterface: [
            anonymous: false,
            inputs: [
                { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' },
                    { indexed: true, name: 'spender', type: 'address' },
                    { indexed: false, name: 'value', type: 'uint256' }
            name: 'Approval',
            type: 'event',
            signature:  '0x8c5be...'

// Send object as second parameter
> caver.kct.kip7.deploy({
        name: 'Jasmine',
        symbol: 'JAS',
        decimals: 18,
        initialSupply: '100000000000000000000',
        from: '0x{address in hex}',
        feeDelegation: true,
        feePayer: '0x{address in hex}',

// using event emitter and promise
> caver.kct.kip7.deploy({
    name: 'Jasmine',
    symbol: 'JAS',
    decimals: 18,
    initialSupply: '100000',
}, '0x{address in hex}')
.on('error', function(error) { ... })
.on('transactionHash', function(transactionHash) { ... })
.on('receipt', function(receipt) {
    console.log(receipt.contractAddress) // contains the new token contract address
.then(function(newKIP7Instance) {
    console.log(newKIP7Instance.options.address) // instance with the new token contract address



Returns the information of the interface implemented by the token contract. This static function will use kip7.detectInterface.


Return Value

Promise returns an object containing the result with boolean values whether each KIP-7 interface is implemented.


> caver.kct.kip7.detectInterface('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)
    IKIP7: true,
    IKIP7Metadata: true,
    IKIP7Mintable: true,
    IKIP7Burnable: true,
    IKIP7Pausable: true,



Creates a new KIP7 instance with its bound methods and events. This function works the same as new KIP7.

NOTE caver.kct.kip7.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.


See the new KIP7.

Return Value

See the new KIP7.


// Create a KIP7 instance without a parameter
> const kip7 = caver.kct.kip7.create()

// Create a KIP7 instance with a token address
> const kip7 = caver.kct.kip7.create('0x{address in hex}')

new KIP7

new caver.kct.kip7([tokenAddress])

Creates a new KIP7 instance with its bound methods and events.


Return Value


// Create a KIP7 instance without a parameter
> const kip7 = new caver.kct.kip7()

// Create a KIP7 instance with a token address
> const kip7 = new caver.kct.kip7('0x{address in hex}')



Clones the current KIP7 instance.


Return Value


> const kip7 = new caver.kct.kip7(address)

// Clone without a parameter
> const cloned = kip7.clone()

// Clone with the address of the new token contract
> const cloned = kip7.clone('0x{address in hex}')



Returns the information of the interface implemented by the token contract.



Return Value

Promise returns an object containing the result with boolean values whether each KIP-7 interface is implemented.


> kip7.detectInterface().then(console.log)
    IKIP7: true,
    IKIP7Metadata: true,
    IKIP7Mintable: true,
    IKIP7Burnable: true,
    IKIP7Pausable: true,



Return true if this contract implements the interface defined by interfaceId.


Return Value

Promise returns Boolean: true if this contract implements the interface defined by interfaceId.


> kip7.supportsInterface('0x65787371').then(console.log)

> kip7.supportsInterface('0x3a2820fe').then(console.log)

Return the name of the token.



Return Value

Promise returns string: The name of the token.





Return the symbol of the token.



Return Value

Promise returns string: The symbol of the token.


> kip7.symbol().then(console.log)



Return the number of decimal places the token uses.



Return Value

Promise returns number: The number of decimal places the token uses.


> kip7.decimals().then(console.log)



Return the total token supply.



Return Value

Promise returns BigNumber: The total number of tokens.


> kip7.totalSupply().then(console.log)



Return the balance of the given account address.


Return Value

Promise returns BigNumber: The account balance.


> kip7.balanceOf('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)


kip7.allowance(owner, spender)

Return the amount of token that spender is allowed to withdraw from owner.


Return Value

Promise returns BigNumber: The remaining number of tokens that spender is allowed to spend in place of the owner.


> kip7.allowance('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)

> kip7.allowance('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)



Return true if the given account is a minter who can issue new KIP7 tokens.


Return Value

Promise returns Boolean: true if the account is a minter.


> kip7.isMinter('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)

> kip7.isMinter('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)



Return true if the given account is a pauser who can suspend transferring tokens.


Return Value

Promise returns Boolean: true if the account is a pauser.


> kip7.isPauser('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)

> kip7.isPauser('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)



Return true if the contract is paused, and false otherwise.



Return Value

Promise returns Boolean: true if the contract is paused.


> kip7.paused().then(console.log)

> kip7.paused().then(console.log)


kip7.approve(spender, amount [, sendParam])

Set the amount of the tokens of the token owner to be spent by the spender.

Note that this method will submit a transaction from the owner to the Klaytn network, which will charge the transaction fee to the owner.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

The sendParam object contains the following:

NOTE feeDelegation, feePayer and feeRatio are supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given 
> kip7.approve('0x{address in hex}', 10, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0xf010a98f66b6b36943175cd5b249da54e84abed551cfa02846a2900ddab968c7',
    blocknumber: 2098,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x2f7dc98bd93a0544b03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
    status: true,
    to: '0x8ca777e464a83b939ae131ca037f0d8728c6929e',
    events: {
        Approval: {
            address: '0x8CA777e464a83b939AE131CA037F0d8728C6929e',
            blocknumber: 2098,
            transactionHash: '0xf7469c0420cb5ebb0fbf64a314bd0c9ee7517ea64dd72eefa59bc8005bbc0f99',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0xf010a98f66b6b36943175cd5b249da54e84abed551cfa02846a2900ddab968c7',
            logIndex: 0,
            id: 'log_c6ec61aa',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                '1': '0xe36ffD7bc4D588c480B5925B9622881F9d85ea30',
                '2': '10',
                owner: '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                spender: '0xe36ffD7bc4D588c480B5925B9622881F9d85ea30',
                value: '10'
            event: 'Approval',
            signature: '0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925',
            raw: {
                data: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a',
                topics: [ '0x8c5be...', '0x00...676', '0x00...a30' ]

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.approve('0x{address in hex}', 10, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.approve('0x{address in hex}', 10).then(console.log)


kip7.transfer(recipient, amount [, sendParam])

Transfers the given amount of the token from the token owner's balance to the recipient. The token owner should execute this token transfer with its own hands. Thus, the token owner should be the sender of this transaction whose address must be given at sendParam.from or kip7.options.from. Without sendParam.from nor kip7.options.from being provided, an error would occur.

Note that sending this transaction will charge the transaction fee to the transaction sender.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given 
> kip7.transfer('0x{address in hex}', 10, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x8a078c3a73d678cdd85d471eb21e9ed7d695f8b96fc7315cfa59c1f68be3d2bf',
    blocknumber: 1353,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x2f7dc98bd93a0544b03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
    status: true,
    to: '0x05871c21664e18b2906545f8831695650a8f4056',
    events: {
        Transfer: {
            address: '0x05871c21664E18b2906545f8831695650a8f4056',
            blocknumber: 1353,
            transactionHash: '0x8bd2b21a06241e4cfc0af1ec40e7b15444f730c7529440648aa4ed6b697f08f4',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0x8a078c3a73d678cdd85d471eb21e9ed7d695f8b96fc7315cfa59c1f68be3d2bf',
            logIndex: 0,
            id: 'log_82ef7705',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                '1': '0xE411cb0B61FDcC06497794fE3f49F65D5dE41f59',
                '2': '10',
                from: '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                to: '0xE411cb0B61FDcC06497794fE3f49F65D5dE41f59',
                value: '10'
            event: 'Transfer',
            signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
            raw: {
                data: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a',
                topics: [ '0xddf25...', '0x00...676', '0x00...f59' ]

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.transfer('0x{address in hex}', 10, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.transfer('0x{address in hex}', 10).then(console.log)


kip7.safeTransfer(recipient, amount [, data] [, sendParam])

Safely transfers the given amount of the token from the token owner's balance to the recipient. The token owner should execute this token transfer with its own hands. Thus, the token owner should be the sender of this transaction whose address must be given at sendParam.from or kip7.options.from. Without sendParam.from nor kip7.options.from being provided, an error would occur.

If the recipient was a contract address, it should implement IKIP7Receiver.onKIP7Received. Otherwise, the transfer is reverted.

Note that sending this transaction will charge the transaction fee to the transaction sender.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP17 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given (without data)
> kip7.safeTransfer('0x{address in hex}', 10, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x208cd64b95bbd91420fc6b1a7b514a8d3051d09333d79244b6b74ff2f7f3eee4',
    blocknumber: 2384,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0xc2c84328845a36fe0c4dcef370d24ec80cf85221',
    status: true,
    to: '0xe4aeba6306b0df023aa4b765960fa59dbe925950',
    events: {
            Transfer: {
                    address: '0xe4AeBa6306b0Df023AA4b765960fA59dbE925950',
                    blocknumber: 2384,
                    transactionHash: '0x47bb085947c282722c1ceab1f4f0380d911ce464a47a19f1e7bddfe08a13563d',
                    transactionIndex: 0,
                    blockHash: '0x208cd64b95bbd91420fc6b1a7b514a8d3051d09333d79244b6b74ff2f7f3eee4',
                    logIndex: 0,
                    id: 'log_58e5e06d',
                    returnValues: {
                            '0': '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            '1': '0x67B092d09B5e94fed58609777cc7Ac9193553B73',
                            '2': '10',
                            from: '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            to: '0x67B092d09B5e94fed58609777cc7Ac9193553B73',
                            value: '10',
                    event: 'Transfer',
                    signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
                    raw: {
                            data: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a',
                            topics: [ '0xddf25...', '0x00...221', '0x00...b73' ],

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.safeTransfer('0x{address in hex}', 10, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given (with data)
> kip7.safeTransfer('0x{address in hex}', 11, '0x1234', { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.safeTransfer('0x{address in hex}', 11).then(console.log)


kip7.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount [, sendParam])

Transfers the given amount of the token from the token owner's balance to the recipient. The address who was approved to send the token owner's tokens is expected to execute this token transferring transaction. Thus, the approved one should be the sender of this transaction whose address must be given at sendParam.from or kip7.options.from. Without sendParam.from nor kip7.options.from being provided, an error would occur.

Note that sending this transaction will charge the transaction fee to the transaction sender.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given
> kip7.transferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 10000, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x3adec238e06a9e8d5fa09fc1e1d7c8748b64d07e89678d27e8a379a12a34974f',
    blocknumber: 2331,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x01958c62ab4aec7fc282bec9491da0ef7f830ac2',
    status: true,
    to: '0x3d5eb40665d25aaa4160023c4278fa6a94ba4acb',
    events: {
        Transfer: {
            address: '0x3D5EB40665D25aAa4160023C4278FA6A94BA4aCb',
            blocknumber: 2331,
            transactionHash: '0x5b2232b68681f19d9b6fcd6fb03964ef105912fecb772c11c8ec9fc906be4cbf',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0x3adec238e06a9e8d5fa09fc1e1d7c8748b64d07e89678d27e8a379a12a34974f',
            logIndex: 0,
            id: 'log_ae57b7a0',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                '1': '0x49ff9cb8BB8CA10D7f6E1094b2Ba56c3C2DBA231',
                '2': '10000',
                from: '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                to: '0x49ff9cb8BB8CA10D7f6E1094b2Ba56c3C2DBA231',
                value: '10000'
            event: 'Transfer',
            signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
            raw: {
                data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710',
                topics: [ '0xddf25...', '0x00...676', '0x00...231' ]
        Approval: {
            address: '0x3D5EB40665D25aAa4160023C4278FA6A94BA4aCb',
            blocknumber: 2331,
            transactionHash: '0x5b2232b68681f19d9b6fcd6fb03964ef105912fecb772c11c8ec9fc906be4cbf',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0x3adec238e06a9e8d5fa09fc1e1d7c8748b64d07e89678d27e8a379a12a34974f',
            logIndex: 1,
            id: 'log_cee37d26',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                '1': '0x01958c62aB4aEC7fC282bEc9491dA0EF7F830AC2',
                '2': '0',
                owner: '0x2f7Dc98Bd93A0544B03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
                spender: '0x01958c62aB4aEC7fC282bEc9491dA0EF7F830AC2',
                value: '0'
            event: 'Approval',
            signature: '0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925',
            raw: {
                data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                topics: [ '0x8c5be...', '0x00...676', '0x00...ac2' ]

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.transferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 10000, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.transferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 10000).then(console.log)


kip7.safeTransferFrom(sender, recipient, amount [, data] [, sendParam])

Safely transfers the given amount of the token from the token owner's balance to the recipient. The address who was approved to send the token owner's tokens is expected to execute this token transferring transaction. Thus, the approved one should be the sender of this transaction whose address must be given at sendParam.from or kip7.options.from. Without sendParam.from nor kip7.options.from being provided, an error would occur.

If the recipient was a contract address, it should implement IKIP7Receiver.onKIP7Received. Otherwise, the transfer is reverted.

Note that sending this transaction will charge the transaction fee to the transaction sender.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP17 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given (without data)
> kip7.safeTransferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 10000, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x0d641b9cebb032f10348288623898f8aa319faa0845c5b3b7a59ac397a6a218b',
    blocknumber: 2404,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x090937f5c9b83d961da29149a3c37104bc5e71b3',
    status: true,
    to: '0xe4aeba6306b0df023aa4b765960fa59dbe925950',
    events: {
            Transfer: {
                    address: '0xe4AeBa6306b0Df023AA4b765960fA59dbE925950',
                    blocknumber: 2404,
                    transactionHash: '0xed8c33facaea963f57c268134aaab48fa765e7298fd70d4bc796b1e93c12ad45',
                    transactionIndex: 0,
                    blockHash: '0x0d641b9cebb032f10348288623898f8aa319faa0845c5b3b7a59ac397a6a218b',
                    logIndex: 0,
                    id: 'log_5eaef2c3',
                    returnValues: {
                            '0': '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            '1': '0x67B092d09B5e94fed58609777cc7Ac9193553B73',
                            '2': '10000',
                            from: '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            to: '0x67B092d09B5e94fed58609777cc7Ac9193553B73',
                            value: '10000',
                    event: 'Transfer',
                    signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
                    raw: {
                            data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710',
                            topics: [ '0xddf25...', '0x00...221', '0x00...b73' ],
            Approval: {
                    address: '0xe4AeBa6306b0Df023AA4b765960fA59dbE925950',
                    blocknumber: 2404,
                    transactionHash: '0xed8c33facaea963f57c268134aaab48fa765e7298fd70d4bc796b1e93c12ad45',
                    transactionIndex: 0,
                    blockHash: '0x0d641b9cebb032f10348288623898f8aa319faa0845c5b3b7a59ac397a6a218b',
                    logIndex: 1,
                    id: 'log_3f3aedf8',
                    returnValues: {
                            '0': '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            '1': '0x090937f5C9B83d961da29149a3C37104Bc5e71B3',
                            '2': '0',
                            owner: '0xC2C84328845A36Fe0c4DcEf370d24ec80cF85221',
                            spender: '0x090937f5C9B83d961da29149a3C37104Bc5e71B3',
                            value: '0',
                    event: 'Approval',
                    signature: '0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925',
                    raw: {
                            data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                            topics: [ '0x8c5be...', '0x00...221', '0x00...1b3' ],

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.safeTransferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 10000, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given (with data)
> kip7.safeTransferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 11, '0x1234', { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.safeTransferFrom('0x{address in hex}', '0x{address in hex}', 11).then(console.log), amount [, sendParam])

Creates the amount of token and issues it to the account, increasing the total supply of token.

Note that this method will submit a transaction to the Klaytn network, which will charge the transaction fee to the sender.


NOTE The amount parameter accepts number type but if the fed value were out of the range capped by number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, it might cause an unexpected result or error. In this case, it is recommended to use the BigNumber type, especially for a uint256 sized numeric input value.

NOTE If sendParam.from or kip7.options.from were given, it should be a minter with MinterRole.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given 
>'0x{address in hex}', 10000, { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x71e1c7c9de471ed9eb9ec2aca09beb63a654e21514b2b8d25ec93f34b810a709',
    blocknumber: 8466,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x2f7dc98bd93a0544b03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
    status: true,
    to: '0x54e9ad10ffcbcc2384863157c851a75a31c1e925',
    events: {
        Transfer: {
            address: '0x54e9Ad10FFcBCc2384863157c851A75a31C1E925',
            blocknumber: 8466,
            transactionHash: '0xef1db1544d0ba70aa06b77599a8421cee2270703cff7d0233bd09ab3561ab49a',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0x71e1c7c9de471ed9eb9ec2aca09beb63a654e21514b2b8d25ec93f34b810a709',
            logIndex: 0,
            id: 'log_151f8e90',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                '1': '0x4756D3c2A3DC61450D949BD9bF702b4209Fc15a0',
                '2': '10000',
                from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                to: '0x4756D3c2A3DC61450D949BD9bF702b4209Fc15a0',
                value: '10000',
            event: 'Transfer',
            signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
            raw: {
                data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710',
                topics: [ '0xddf25...', '0x00...000', '0x00...5a0' ],

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
>'0x{address in hex}', 10000, {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
>'0x{address in hex}', 10000).then(console.log)


kip7.addMinter(account [, sendParam])

Adds an account as a minter, who are permitted to mint tokens.

Note that this method will submit a transaction to the Klaytn network, which will charge the transaction fee to the sender.


NOTE If sendParam.from or kip7.options.from were given, it should be a minter.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given 
> kip7.addMinter('0x{address in hex}', { from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0x169db7e80c954f7d95bbb6a5ef3065190e842d515485e1679f8f3027d1b2975f',
    blocknumber: 9593,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x2f7dc98bd93a0544b03d6ff428a6f4ae04b32676',
    status: true,
    to: '0x9e2851aff794e69c58e112a3beacbf0de6587f6b',
    events: {
        MinterAdded: {
            address: '0x9E2851Aff794E69C58E112a3beacbF0De6587f6b',
            blocknumber: 9593,
            transactionHash: '0x11c86fe739ce3f8e6f93f5de87c9626c7cd032dd5e119171f9ec821292cd68e9',
            transactionIndex: 0,
            blockHash: '0x169db7e80c954f7d95bbb6a5ef3065190e842d515485e1679f8f3027d1b2975f',
            logIndex: 0,
            id: 'log_d93efbcd',
            returnValues: {
                '0': '0x823EA6Eb41985218D478C07E77cFBdAd233569C5',
                account: '0x823EA6Eb41985218D478C07E77cFBdAd233569C5',
            event: 'MinterAdded',
            signature: '0x6ae172837ea30b801fbfcdd4108aa1d5bf8ff775444fd70256b44e6bf3dfc3f6',
            raw: {
                data: '0x',
                topics: [ '0x6ae17...', '0x00...9c5' ],

// Using FD transaction to execute the smart contract
> kip7.addMinter('0x{address in hex}', {
    from: '0x{address in hex}'
    feeDelegation: true,
    feePayer: '0x{address in hex}'

// Using kip7.options.from
// If the value of kip7.options.from is set, this value is used as the default value 
// unless you specify `from` in the sendParam object when sending a transaction with a kip7 instance.
> kip7.options.from = '0x{address in hex}'
> kip7.addMinter('0x{address in hex}').then(console.log)



Renounces the right to mint tokens. Only a minter address can renounce the minting right.

Note that this method will submit a transaction to the Klaytn network, which will charge the transaction fee to the sender.


NOTE If sendParam.from or kip7.options.from were given, it should be a minter with MinterRole.

Return Value

Promise returns object - The receipt containing the result of the transaction execution. If you want to know about the properties inside the receipt object, see the description of getTransactionReceipt. Receipts from KIP7 instances have an 'events' attribute parsed via ABI instead of a 'logs' attribute.


// Send via a sendParam object with the from field given 
> kip7.renounceMinter({ from: '0x{address in hex}' }).then(console.log)
    blockHash: '0xc1d96a519d9a31a1dab77111af0de73241aa212722859062a96dc3115a2eca23',
    blocknumber: 9996,
    contractAddress: null,
    from: '0x34b91db0f4c7d1381fdf054cc3d0c433b19fca16',
    status: true,
    to: '0xeba808dcd0fdbfc21a99961be42665f351487f52',