
eth namespace APIs.

The namespace eth provides functions related to accounts, blocks, transactions, configurations of networks or nodes, filters, and so on.

Klaytn now supports the namespace eth of Ethereum's JSON-RPC API. Please note that some return values have been adjusted to match the Ethereum's API response body.

And due to the fundamental design differences between Klaytn and Ethereum, Klaytn's data structure (Transaction, Block, and TransactionReceipt) cannot be fully supported via eth namespace APIs.

Please check the Differences Overview from Ethereum in this document.

NOTE: eth namespace APIs are supported from Klaytn v1.8.0.

The list below enumerates the API functions. All eth namespace APIs are supported on Klaytn.

Differences Overview from Ethereum

Please check the Caution section which describes the differences between Klaytn and Ethereum when serving eth namespace APIs in more detail.


Related APIs: eth_getHeaderByNumber, eth_getHeaderByHash, eth_getBlockByHash, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex, eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex.

Fields not covered here will stick to the block fields of Ethereum.


Related APIs: eth_getTransactionByHash, eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex, eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex, eth_pendingTransactions.

Due to the fundamental design differences between Klaytn and Ethereum, Klaytn transactions cannot be fully supported via eth namespace APIs.

Klaytn transactions can have more than one signature because Klaytn supports MultiSig (Ethereum transactions only have one signature field (= v, r, s)) even on protocol-level. In that context, fields related to signature (v, r, s) will match tx.signatures[0].V, tx.signatures[0].R, and tx.signatures[0].S.

Fields not covered here will stick to the transaction fields of Ethereum.

Transaction Receipt

Related APIs: eth_getTransactionReceipt.

Due to the fundamental design differences existing between Klaytn and Ethereum, Klaytn transaction receipt cannot be fully supported when served via Ethereum namespace APIs.

Fields not covered here will stick to Ethereum's suggested fields of transaction_receipt.

Last updated