For the governance of the network, Klaytn provides the following APIs under governance namespace.
In Klaytn, there are three different governance modes.
none: All nodes participating in the network have the right to change the configuration.
single: Only one designated node has the right to change the configuration.
ballot: All nodes which have voting power can vote for a change. When more than half of total voting power gathered, the vote passes.
Based on the governance mode, a proposer is able to cast a vote about network parameters such as unit price, minimum staking amount, etc. In order to be a proposer, the candidate nodes are required to deposit a minimum amount of KLAY. All the qualified nodes are always eligible to propose a block, but the chance is propositional to the stake amount.
When calculating the staking proportions to determine the number of slots(the number of chances) to become a proposer within a certain period, it is possible that a node may not be allocated any slots as a result of rounding numbers. However, a slot is guaranteed to a qualified node that has deposited a minimum amount of KLAY.
That is, if a node is not qualified - the node does not stake enough amount of KLAY - it won't be given a chance to propose nor validate a block.
A governing node is always qualified in single mode as an exception.
A vote will be casted when a block is proposed. This vote is applied after two epochs including the epoch where the block is proposed. As an exception, only addValidator/removeValidator is applied immediately.
The vote method submits a new vote. If the node has the right to vote based on governance mode, the vote can be placed. If not, an error message will be returned and the vote will be ignored.
Key : Name of the configuration setting to be changed. Key has the form of domain.field
Value : Various types of value for each key.
Return Value
> ("governance.governancemode","ballot")"Your vote was successfully placed."> ("governance.governingnode","0x12345678990123456789901234567899012345678990")"Your vote was successfully placed.">"istanbul.epoch",604800)"Your vote was successfully placed.">"governance.unitprice",25000000000)"Your vote was successfully placed.">"istanbul.committeesize",7)"Your vote was successfully placed.">"reward.mintingamount","9600000000000000000")"Your vote was successfully placed.">"reward.ratio","40/30/30")"Your vote was successfully placed.">"reward.useginicoeff",false)"Your vote was successfully placed."// If wrong data are given>"reward.ratio",100)"Your vote couldn't be placed. Please check your vote's key and value">"governance.governingnode",1234)"Your vote couldn't be placed. Please check your vote's key and value"// when `governancemode` is "single" and the node is not `governingnode`>"governance.governancemode","ballot")"You don't have the right to vote"
The showTally property provides the current tally of governance votes. It shows the aggregated approval rate in percentage. When it goes over 50%, the vote passes.
The totalVotingPower property provides the sum of all voting power that CNs have. Each CN has 1.0 ~ 2.0 voting power. In "none", "single" governance mode, totalVotingPower don't provide any information.
Return Value
// In "ballot" governance mode>governance.totalVotingPower32.452// In "none", "single" governance mode>governance.totalVotingPower"In current governance mode, voting power is not available"
The myVotingPower property provides the voting power of the node. The voting power can be 1.0 ~ 2.0. In "none", "single" governance mode, totalVotingPower don't provide any information.
Return Value
// In "ballot" governance mode>governance.myVotingPower1.323// In "none", "single" governance mode>governance.myVotingPower"In current governance mode, voting power is not available"
The myVotes property provides my vote information in the epoch. Each vote is stored in a block when the user's node generates a new block. After current epoch ends, this information is cleared.
Return Value
>"governance.governancemode","ballot")"Your vote was successfully placed.">governance.myVotes[{ BlockNum:403, Casted:true, Key:"governance.governancemode", Value:"ballot"}]
The getChainConfig returns the chain configuration at a specific block. If the parameter is not set, it returns the chain configuration at the latest block.
NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.
NOTE: the RPC API will be deprecated since v1.11. However, the governance.chainConfig property in the Klaytn JavaScript console is removed since Klaytn v1.10.2.
NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.10.0, this API returned the initial chain configuration. However, due to its confusing name, it is updated since Klaytn v1.10.0. To query the initial chain configuration, use chainConfigAt(0) instead.
The chainConfigAt returns the chain configuration at a specific block. If the parameter is not set, it returns the chain configuration at the latest block.
NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.
The nodeAddress property provides the address of the node that a user is using. It is derived from the nodekey and used to sign consensus messages. And the value of "governingnode" has to be one of validator's node address.
The getParams returns governance parameters at a specific block.
NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.
NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.7.0, only integer block number, the string "earliest" and "latest" are available.
NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.
The pendingChanges returns the list of items that have received enough number of votes but not yet finalized. At the end of the current epoch, these changes will be finalized and the result will be in effect from the epoch after next epoch.
The idxCache property returns an array of current idxCache in the memory cache. idxCache contains the block numbers where governance change happened. The cache can have up to 1000 block numbers in memory by default.
Return Value
The idxCacheFromDb returns an array that contains all block numbers on which a governance change ever happened. The result of idxCacheFromDb is the same or longer than that of idxCache
Return Value
The itemCacheFromDb returns the governance information stored in the given block. If no changes were stored in the given block, the function returns null.